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#include "string/palindromic_tree.hpp"
// palindromic tree を作る
template <int sigma>
struct Palindromic_Tree {
struct Node {
array<int, sigma> TO;
int link;
int length;
pair<int, int> pos; // position of first ocurrence
Node(int link, int length, int l, int r)
: link(link), length(length), pos({l, r}) {
fill(all(TO), -1);
vc<Node> nodes;
vc<int> path;
template <typename STRING>
Palindromic_Tree(const STRING& S, char off) {
nodes.eb(Node(-1, -1, 0, -1));
nodes.eb(Node(0, 0, 0, 0));
int p = 0;
FOR(i, len(S)) {
int x = S[i] - off;
while (p) {
int j = i - 1 - nodes[p].length;
bool can = (j >= 0 && S[j] - off == x);
if (!can) {
p = nodes[p].link;
if (nodes[p].TO[x] != -1) {
p = nodes[p].TO[x];
int to = len(nodes);
int l = i - 1 - nodes[p].length;
int r = i + 1;
nodes[p].TO[x] = to;
int link;
if (p == 0) link = 1;
if (p != 0) {
while (1) {
p = nodes[p].link;
int j = i - 1 - nodes[p].length;
bool can = (j >= 0 && S[j] - off == x);
if (can) break;
assert(nodes[p].TO[x] != -1);
link = nodes[p].TO[x];
nodes.eb(Node(link, r - l, l, r));
p = to;
// node ごとの出現回数
vc<int> count() {
vc<int> res(len(nodes));
for (auto&& p: path) res[p]++;
FOR_R(k, 1, len(nodes)) {
int link = nodes[k].link;
res[link] += res[k];
return res;
#line 1 "string/palindromic_tree.hpp"
// palindromic tree を作る
template <int sigma>
struct Palindromic_Tree {
struct Node {
array<int, sigma> TO;
int link;
int length;
pair<int, int> pos; // position of first ocurrence
Node(int link, int length, int l, int r)
: link(link), length(length), pos({l, r}) {
fill(all(TO), -1);
vc<Node> nodes;
vc<int> path;
template <typename STRING>
Palindromic_Tree(const STRING& S, char off) {
nodes.eb(Node(-1, -1, 0, -1));
nodes.eb(Node(0, 0, 0, 0));
int p = 0;
FOR(i, len(S)) {
int x = S[i] - off;
while (p) {
int j = i - 1 - nodes[p].length;
bool can = (j >= 0 && S[j] - off == x);
if (!can) {
p = nodes[p].link;
if (nodes[p].TO[x] != -1) {
p = nodes[p].TO[x];
int to = len(nodes);
int l = i - 1 - nodes[p].length;
int r = i + 1;
nodes[p].TO[x] = to;
int link;
if (p == 0) link = 1;
if (p != 0) {
while (1) {
p = nodes[p].link;
int j = i - 1 - nodes[p].length;
bool can = (j >= 0 && S[j] - off == x);
if (can) break;
assert(nodes[p].TO[x] != -1);
link = nodes[p].TO[x];
nodes.eb(Node(link, r - l, l, r));
p = to;
// node ごとの出現回数
vc<int> count() {
vc<int> res(len(nodes));
for (auto&& p: path) res[p]++;
FOR_R(k, 1, len(nodes)) {
int link = nodes[k].link;
res[link] += res[k];
return res;