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:heavy_check_mark: string/count_subseq.hpp

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template <typename mint, typename STRING>
mint count_subseq(STRING& S) {
  map<int, mint> dp;
  mint sm = 1;
  for (auto&& x: S) {
    auto it = dp.find(x);
    if (it == dp.end()) {
      dp[x] = sm;
      sm += sm;
    } else {
      mint d = (*it).se;
      (*it).se = sm;
      sm += sm - d;
  return sm;
#line 1 "string/count_subseq.hpp"
template <typename mint, typename STRING>
mint count_subseq(STRING& S) {
  map<int, mint> dp;
  mint sm = 1;
  for (auto&& x: S) {
    auto it = dp.find(x);
    if (it == dp.end()) {
      dp[x] = sm;
      sm += sm;
    } else {
      mint d = (*it).se;
      (*it).se = sm;
      sm += sm - d;
  return sm;
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