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:heavy_check_mark: linalg/matrix_lowrank_update.hpp

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#include "linalg/matrix_inv.hpp"
#include "linalg/matrix_rank.hpp"

template <typename T>
struct Lowrank_Update {
  int n;
  vvc<T> A, IA;
  Lowrank_Update() {}
  Lowrank_Update(vvc<T> A) : A(A) {
    n = len(A);
    T det;
    tie(det, IA) = matrix_inv(A);
    assert(det != T(0));

  // A + UV が可逆なら足して true, そうでないなら何もせず false.
  bool update(vvc<T> &U, vvc<T> &V, bool update_A) {
    int r = len(V);
    assert(len(U) == n && len(U[0]) == r);
    assert(len(V) == r && len(V[0]) == n);
    vc<T> X(n), Y(n);
    FOR(k, r) {
      FOR(i, n) X[i] = U[i][k], Y[i] = V[k][i];
      rank_one_update(X, Y, update_A);

  // A + c U transepose(V) が可逆なら足して true, そうでないなら何もせず false.
  // O(n^2)
  bool rank_one_update(T c, vc<T> &U, vc<T> &V, bool update_A) {
    vc<int> I, J;
    FOR(i, n) if (U[i] != T(0)) I.eb(i);
    FOR(i, n) if (V[i] != T(0)) J.eb(i);
    T x = 0;
    for (auto &j: J) {
      for (auto &i: I) { x += V[j] * IA[j][i] * U[i]; }
    x = T(1) + c * x;
    if (x == T(0)) return false;
    if (update_A) {
      for (auto &i: I) {
        T t = c * U[i];
        for (auto &j: J) { A[i][j] += t * V[j]; }
    x = c / x;
    vc<T> L(n), R(n);
    for (auto &i: I) {
      T u = U[i] * x;
      FOR(j, n) L[j] += IA[j][i] * u;
    for (auto &j: J) { FOR(i, n) R[i] += V[j] * IA[j][i]; }
    FOR(i, n) FOR(j, n) IA[i][j] -= L[i] * R[j];
    return true;

// lowrank update / rank query
template <typename mint>
struct Matrix_Rank_Lowrank_Update {
  int n;
  bool is_prepared;
  Lowrank_Update<mint> X;
  vc<pair<vc<mint>, vc<mint>>> dat;

  Matrix_Rank_Lowrank_Update(int n) : n(n) {
    vv(mint, A, n, n, mint(0));
    build(A, 0);
  Matrix_Rank_Lowrank_Update(vvc<mint> &A) : n(len(A)) { build(A); }

  void build(vvc<mint> A, int r = -1) {
    if (r == -1) r = matrix_rank(A);
    FOR(n - r) {
      vc<mint> x(n), y(n);
      FOR(i, n) x[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      FOR(i, n) y[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      dat.eb(x, y);
      FOR(i, n) FOR(j, n) A[i][j] += x[i] * y[j];
    X = Lowrank_Update(A);
    is_prepared = 1;

  int rank() {
    while (!is_prepared && !dat.empty()) {
      auto [x, y] = dat.back();
      if (!X.rank_one_update(-1, x, y, false)) break;
    is_prepared = 1;
    return n - len(dat);

  void rank_one_update(mint c, vc<mint> &U, vc<mint> &V) {
    is_prepared = 0;
    while (!X.rank_one_update(c, U, V, false)) {
      vc<mint> x(n), y(n);
      FOR(i, n) x[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      FOR(i, n) y[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      dat.eb(x, y);
      X.rank_one_update(1, x, y, false);
#line 1 "linalg/matrix_inv.hpp"
// (det, invA) をかえす

template <typename T>
pair<T, vc<vc<T>>> matrix_inv(vc<vc<T>> A) {
  T det = 1;
  int N = len(A);
  vv(T, B, N, N);
  FOR(n, N) B[n][n] = 1;
  FOR(i, N) {
    FOR(k, i, N) if (A[k][i] != 0) {
      if (k != i) {
        swap(A[i], A[k]), swap(B[i], B[k]);
        det = -det;
    if (A[i][i] == 0) return {T(0), {}};
    T c = T(1) / A[i][i];
    det *= A[i][i];
    FOR(j, i, N) A[i][j] *= c;
    FOR(j, N) B[i][j] *= c;
    FOR(k, N) if (i != k) {
      T c = A[k][i];
      FOR(j, i, N) A[k][j] -= A[i][j] * c;
      FOR(j, N) B[k][j] -= B[i][j] * c;
  return {det, B};
#line 1 "linalg/matrix_rank.hpp"
template <typename T>
int matrix_rank(vc<vc<T>> a, int n = -1, int m = -1) {
  if (n == 0) return 0;
  if (n == -1) { n = len(a), m = len(a[0]); }
  assert(n == len(a) && m == len(a[0]));
  int rk = 0;
  FOR(j, m) {
    if (rk == n) break;
    if (a[rk][j] == 0) {
      FOR(i, rk + 1, n) if (a[i][j] != T(0)) {
        swap(a[rk], a[i]);
    if (a[rk][j] == 0) continue;
    T c = T(1) / a[rk][j];
    FOR(k, j, m) a[rk][k] *= c;
    FOR(i, rk + 1, n) {
      T c = a[i][j];
      FOR3(k, j, m) { a[i][k] -= a[rk][k] * c; }
  return rk;
#line 3 "linalg/matrix_lowrank_update.hpp"

template <typename T>
struct Lowrank_Update {
  int n;
  vvc<T> A, IA;
  Lowrank_Update() {}
  Lowrank_Update(vvc<T> A) : A(A) {
    n = len(A);
    T det;
    tie(det, IA) = matrix_inv(A);
    assert(det != T(0));

  // A + UV が可逆なら足して true, そうでないなら何もせず false.
  bool update(vvc<T> &U, vvc<T> &V, bool update_A) {
    int r = len(V);
    assert(len(U) == n && len(U[0]) == r);
    assert(len(V) == r && len(V[0]) == n);
    vc<T> X(n), Y(n);
    FOR(k, r) {
      FOR(i, n) X[i] = U[i][k], Y[i] = V[k][i];
      rank_one_update(X, Y, update_A);

  // A + c U transepose(V) が可逆なら足して true, そうでないなら何もせず false.
  // O(n^2)
  bool rank_one_update(T c, vc<T> &U, vc<T> &V, bool update_A) {
    vc<int> I, J;
    FOR(i, n) if (U[i] != T(0)) I.eb(i);
    FOR(i, n) if (V[i] != T(0)) J.eb(i);
    T x = 0;
    for (auto &j: J) {
      for (auto &i: I) { x += V[j] * IA[j][i] * U[i]; }
    x = T(1) + c * x;
    if (x == T(0)) return false;
    if (update_A) {
      for (auto &i: I) {
        T t = c * U[i];
        for (auto &j: J) { A[i][j] += t * V[j]; }
    x = c / x;
    vc<T> L(n), R(n);
    for (auto &i: I) {
      T u = U[i] * x;
      FOR(j, n) L[j] += IA[j][i] * u;
    for (auto &j: J) { FOR(i, n) R[i] += V[j] * IA[j][i]; }
    FOR(i, n) FOR(j, n) IA[i][j] -= L[i] * R[j];
    return true;

// lowrank update / rank query
template <typename mint>
struct Matrix_Rank_Lowrank_Update {
  int n;
  bool is_prepared;
  Lowrank_Update<mint> X;
  vc<pair<vc<mint>, vc<mint>>> dat;

  Matrix_Rank_Lowrank_Update(int n) : n(n) {
    vv(mint, A, n, n, mint(0));
    build(A, 0);
  Matrix_Rank_Lowrank_Update(vvc<mint> &A) : n(len(A)) { build(A); }

  void build(vvc<mint> A, int r = -1) {
    if (r == -1) r = matrix_rank(A);
    FOR(n - r) {
      vc<mint> x(n), y(n);
      FOR(i, n) x[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      FOR(i, n) y[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      dat.eb(x, y);
      FOR(i, n) FOR(j, n) A[i][j] += x[i] * y[j];
    X = Lowrank_Update(A);
    is_prepared = 1;

  int rank() {
    while (!is_prepared && !dat.empty()) {
      auto [x, y] = dat.back();
      if (!X.rank_one_update(-1, x, y, false)) break;
    is_prepared = 1;
    return n - len(dat);

  void rank_one_update(mint c, vc<mint> &U, vc<mint> &V) {
    is_prepared = 0;
    while (!X.rank_one_update(c, U, V, false)) {
      vc<mint> x(n), y(n);
      FOR(i, n) x[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      FOR(i, n) y[i] = RNG(0, mint::get_mod());
      dat.eb(x, y);
      X.rank_one_update(1, x, y, false);
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