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:heavy_check_mark: ds/slide_split_sum.hpp

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#include "ds/removable_queue.hpp"

・[0,k) 番目と [k,N) 番目の sum がとれる
・O(k の変化量の総和 x log N)
template <typename T>
struct Slide_Split_Sum {
  Removable_Queue<pq<T>> ql;
  Removable_Queue<pqg<T>> qr;
  T sl, sr;
  Slide_Split_Sum() : sl(0), sr(0) {}

  inline int size() { return len(ql) + len(qr); }
  void insert(T x) { (x <= lmax() ? push_l(x) : push_r(x)); }
  void erase(T x) { (x <= lmax() ? erase_l(x) : erase_r(x)); }
  pair<T, T> query(int k) {
    assert(0 <= k && k <= size());
    while (len(ql) < k) { push_l(pop_r()); }
    while (len(ql) > k) { push_r(pop_l()); }
    return {sl, sr};
  T query_l(int k) { return query(k).fi; }
  T query_r(int k) { return query(size() - k).se; }

  inline T lmax() { return (ql.empty() ? -infty<T> :; }
  inline T rmin() { return (qr.empty() ? infty<T> :; }
  inline T pop_l() {
    T x = ql.pop();
    sl -= x;
    return x;
  inline T pop_r() {
    T x = qr.pop();
    sr -= x;
    return x;
  inline void push_l(T x) { ql.push(x), sl += x; }
  inline void push_r(T x) { qr.push(x), sr += x; }
  inline void erase_l(T x) { ql.remove(x), sl -= x; }
  inline void erase_r(T x) { qr.remove(x), sr -= x; }
#line 2 "ds/removable_queue.hpp"

template <typename QUE_TYPE>
struct Removable_Queue {
  using QUE = QUE_TYPE;
  using T = typename QUE::value_type;

  QUE que, rm_que;

  Removable_Queue() {}
  Removable_Queue(vc<T>& dat) : que(all(dat)) {}

  void push(T x) { que.push(x); }
  int size() { return len(que) - len(rm_que); }
  bool empty() { return size() == 0; }

  T pop() {
    return POP(que);
  T top() {

  void remove(T x) { rm_que.push(x); }

  void refresh() {
    while (len(rm_que) && == {
      rm_que.pop(), que.pop();
#line 2 "ds/slide_split_sum.hpp"

・[0,k) 番目と [k,N) 番目の sum がとれる
・O(k の変化量の総和 x log N)
template <typename T>
struct Slide_Split_Sum {
  Removable_Queue<pq<T>> ql;
  Removable_Queue<pqg<T>> qr;
  T sl, sr;
  Slide_Split_Sum() : sl(0), sr(0) {}

  inline int size() { return len(ql) + len(qr); }
  void insert(T x) { (x <= lmax() ? push_l(x) : push_r(x)); }
  void erase(T x) { (x <= lmax() ? erase_l(x) : erase_r(x)); }
  pair<T, T> query(int k) {
    assert(0 <= k && k <= size());
    while (len(ql) < k) { push_l(pop_r()); }
    while (len(ql) > k) { push_r(pop_l()); }
    return {sl, sr};
  T query_l(int k) { return query(k).fi; }
  T query_r(int k) { return query(size() - k).se; }

  inline T lmax() { return (ql.empty() ? -infty<T> :; }
  inline T rmin() { return (qr.empty() ? infty<T> :; }
  inline T pop_l() {
    T x = ql.pop();
    sl -= x;
    return x;
  inline T pop_r() {
    T x = qr.pop();
    sr -= x;
    return x;
  inline void push_l(T x) { ql.push(x), sl += x; }
  inline void push_r(T x) { qr.push(x), sr += x; }
  inline void erase_l(T x) { ql.remove(x), sl -= x; }
  inline void erase_r(T x) { qr.remove(x), sr -= x; }
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