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:warning: ds/incremental_rectangle_union.hpp

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#include "ds/fastset.hpp"

// [0, x] x [0, y] を追加 -> 和集合面積を取得
template <typename XY, typename AREA, bool SMALL_XY>
struct Incremental_Rectangle_Union {
  FastSet ss;
  vc<XY> ht;
  map<XY, XY> MP; // right end -> height
  AREA area;

  Incremental_Rectangle_Union() : area(AREA(0)) {
    MP[0] = infty<XY>, MP[infty<XY>] = 0;

  Incremental_Rectangle_Union(int LIM)
      : ss(LIM + 1), ht(LIM + 1), area(AREA(0)) {
    ht[0] = infty<XY>, ht[LIM] = 0, ss.insert(0), ss.insert(LIM);

  AREA add(XY x, XY y) {
    if constexpr (SMALL_XY) add_fast(x, y);
    if constexpr (!SMALL_XY) add_MP(x, y);
    return area;

  void reset() {
    area = 0;
    if constexpr (SMALL_XY) {
      int LIM = len(ss) - 1;
      ss.enumerate(0, LIM + 1, [&](int i) -> void { ss.erase(i); });
      ht[0] = infty<XY>, ht[LIM] = 0, ss.insert(0), ss.insert(LIM);
    } else {
      MP.clear(), MP[0] = infty<XY>, MP[infty<XY>] = 0;

  void add_MP(XY x, XY y) {
    if (x == 0 || y == 0) return;
    auto it = MP.lower_bound(x);
    auto [rx, ry] = *it;
    if (ry >= y) return;

    // split
    if (x < rx) MP[x] = ry;
    it = MP.find(x);
    while (1) {
      auto [x2, y2] = *it;
      it = prev(MP.erase(it));
      auto [x1, y1] = *it;
      // [x1,x2]: y2 -> 0
      area -= AREA(x2 - x1) * AREA(y2);
      if (y1 >= y) break;
    auto [x1, y1] = *it;
    // [x1, x]: 0 -> y
    MP[x] = y, area += AREA(x - x1) * AREA(y);

  void add_fast(XY x, XY y) {
    if (x == 0 || y == 0) return;
    int rx =;
    int ry = ht[rx];
    if (ry >= y) return;

    // split
    if (x < rx) ss.insert(x), ht[x] = ry;
    int x2 = x;
    while (1) {
      XY y2 = ht[x2];
      int x1 = ss.prev(x2);
      XY y1 = ht[x1];
      // [x1,x2]: y2 -> 0
      area -= AREA(x2 - x1) * AREA(y2);
      x2 = x1;
      if (y1 >= y) break;
    ss.insert(x), ht[x] = y, area += AREA(x - x2) * AREA(y);
#line 1 "ds/incremental_rectangle_union.hpp"

#line 2 "ds/fastset.hpp"

// 64-ary tree

// space: (N/63) * u64

struct FastSet {
  static constexpr u32 B = 64;
  int n, log;
  vvc<u64> seg;

  FastSet() {}
  FastSet(int n) { build(n); }

  int size() { return n; }

  template <typename F>
  FastSet(int n, F f) {
    build(n, f);

  void build(int m) {
    n = m;
    do {
      seg.push_back(vc<u64>((m + B - 1) / B));
      m = (m + B - 1) / B;
    } while (m > 1);
    log = len(seg);
  template <typename F>
  void build(int n, F f) {
    FOR(i, n) { seg[0][i / B] |= u64(f(i)) << (i % B); }
    FOR(h, log - 1) {
      FOR(i, len(seg[h])) { seg[h + 1][i / B] |= u64(bool(seg[h][i])) << (i % B); }

  bool operator[](int i) const { return seg[0][i / B] >> (i % B) & 1; }
  void insert(int i) {
    assert(0 <= i && i < n);
    for (int h = 0; h < log; h++) { seg[h][i / B] |= u64(1) << (i % B), i /= B; }
  void add(int i) { insert(i); }
  void erase(int i) {
    assert(0 <= i && i < n);
    u64 x = 0;
    for (int h = 0; h < log; h++) {
      seg[h][i / B] &= ~(u64(1) << (i % B));
      seg[h][i / B] |= x << (i % B);
      x = bool(seg[h][i / B]);
      i /= B;
  void remove(int i) { erase(i); }

  // min[x,n) or n

  int next(int i) {
    assert(i <= n);
    chmax(i, 0);
    for (int h = 0; h < log; h++) {
      if (i / B == seg[h].size()) break;
      u64 d = seg[h][i / B] >> (i % B);
      if (!d) {
        i = i / B + 1;
      i += lowbit(d);
      for (int g = h - 1; g >= 0; g--) {
        i *= B;
        i += lowbit(seg[g][i / B]);
      return i;
    return n;

  // max [0,x], or -1

  int prev(int i) {
    assert(i >= -1);
    if (i >= n) i = n - 1;
    for (int h = 0; h < log; h++) {
      if (i == -1) break;
      u64 d = seg[h][i / B] << (63 - i % B);
      if (!d) {
        i = i / B - 1;
      i -= __builtin_clzll(d);
      for (int g = h - 1; g >= 0; g--) {
        i *= B;
        i += topbit(seg[g][i / B]);
      return i;
    return -1;

  bool any(int l, int r) { return next(l) < r; }

  // [l, r)

  template <typename F>
  void enumerate(int l, int r, F f) {
    for (int x = next(l); x < r; x = next(x + 1)) f(x);

  string to_string() {
    string s(n, '?');
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) s[i] = ((*this)[i] ? '1' : '0');
    return s;
#line 3 "ds/incremental_rectangle_union.hpp"

// [0, x] x [0, y] を追加 -> 和集合面積を取得
template <typename XY, typename AREA, bool SMALL_XY>
struct Incremental_Rectangle_Union {
  FastSet ss;
  vc<XY> ht;
  map<XY, XY> MP; // right end -> height
  AREA area;

  Incremental_Rectangle_Union() : area(AREA(0)) {
    MP[0] = infty<XY>, MP[infty<XY>] = 0;

  Incremental_Rectangle_Union(int LIM)
      : ss(LIM + 1), ht(LIM + 1), area(AREA(0)) {
    ht[0] = infty<XY>, ht[LIM] = 0, ss.insert(0), ss.insert(LIM);

  AREA add(XY x, XY y) {
    if constexpr (SMALL_XY) add_fast(x, y);
    if constexpr (!SMALL_XY) add_MP(x, y);
    return area;

  void reset() {
    area = 0;
    if constexpr (SMALL_XY) {
      int LIM = len(ss) - 1;
      ss.enumerate(0, LIM + 1, [&](int i) -> void { ss.erase(i); });
      ht[0] = infty<XY>, ht[LIM] = 0, ss.insert(0), ss.insert(LIM);
    } else {
      MP.clear(), MP[0] = infty<XY>, MP[infty<XY>] = 0;

  void add_MP(XY x, XY y) {
    if (x == 0 || y == 0) return;
    auto it = MP.lower_bound(x);
    auto [rx, ry] = *it;
    if (ry >= y) return;

    // split
    if (x < rx) MP[x] = ry;
    it = MP.find(x);
    while (1) {
      auto [x2, y2] = *it;
      it = prev(MP.erase(it));
      auto [x1, y1] = *it;
      // [x1,x2]: y2 -> 0
      area -= AREA(x2 - x1) * AREA(y2);
      if (y1 >= y) break;
    auto [x1, y1] = *it;
    // [x1, x]: 0 -> y
    MP[x] = y, area += AREA(x - x1) * AREA(y);

  void add_fast(XY x, XY y) {
    if (x == 0 || y == 0) return;
    int rx =;
    int ry = ht[rx];
    if (ry >= y) return;

    // split
    if (x < rx) ss.insert(x), ht[x] = ry;
    int x2 = x;
    while (1) {
      XY y2 = ht[x2];
      int x1 = ss.prev(x2);
      XY y1 = ht[x1];
      // [x1,x2]: y2 -> 0
      area -= AREA(x2 - x1) * AREA(y2);
      x2 = x1;
      if (y1 >= y) break;
    ss.insert(x), ht[x] = y, area += AREA(x - x2) * AREA(y);
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