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:heavy_check_mark: ds/fenwicktree/fenwicktree_2d.hpp

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#include "alg/monoid/add.hpp"

template <typename Monoid, typename XY, bool SMALL_X = false>
struct FenwickTree_2D {
  using G = Monoid;
  using E = typename G::value_type;
  int N;
  vc<XY> keyX;
  XY min_X;
  vc<int> indptr;
  vc<XY> keyY;
  vc<E> dat;

  FenwickTree_2D(vc<XY>& X, vc<XY>& Y, vc<E> wt) { build(X, Y, wt); }
  FenwickTree_2D(vc<XY>& X, vc<XY>& Y) { build(X, Y); }

  inline int xtoi(XY x) {
    if constexpr (SMALL_X) {
      return clamp<int>(x - min_X, 0, N);
    } else {
      return LB(keyX, x);
  inline int nxt(int i) { return i + ((i + 1) & -(i + 1)); }
  inline int prev(int i) { return i - ((i + 1) & -(i + 1)); }

  void build(vc<XY> X, vc<XY> Y, vc<E> wt) {
    assert(len(X) == len(Y));
    if constexpr (!SMALL_X) {
      keyX = X;
      N = len(keyX);
    } else {
      min_X = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MIN(X));
      N = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MAX(X)) - min_X + 1;
      FOR(i, N) keyX[i] = min_X + i;

    auto I = argsort(Y);
    X = rearrange(X, I), Y = rearrange(Y, I), wt = rearrange(wt, I);

    FOR(i, len(X)) X[i] = xtoi(X[i]);

    vc<XY> last_y(N, -infty<XY> - 1);
    indptr.assign(N + 1, 0);
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] == y) break;
        last_y[ix] = y, indptr[ix + 1]++, ix = nxt(ix);
    FOR(i, N) indptr[i + 1] += indptr[i];
    dat.assign(indptr.back(), G::unit());
    fill(all(last_y), -infty<XY> - 1);
    vc<int> prog = indptr;
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      E w = wt[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] != y) {
          last_y[ix] = y, keyY[prog[ix]] = y, dat[prog[ix]] = w;
        } else {
          dat[prog[ix] - 1] = G::op(dat[prog[ix] - 1], w);
        ix = nxt(ix);
    FOR(i, N) {
      int n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
      FOR(j, n - 1) {
        int k = nxt(j);
        if (k < n)
          dat[indptr[i] + k] = G::op(dat[indptr[i] + k], dat[indptr[i] + j]);

  void build(vc<XY> X, vc<XY> Y) {
    assert(len(X) == len(Y));
    if constexpr (!SMALL_X) {
      keyX = X;
      N = len(keyX);
    } else {
      min_X = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MIN(X));
      N = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MAX(X)) - min_X + 1;
      FOR(i, N) keyX[i] = min_X + i;

    auto I = argsort(Y);
    X = rearrange(X, I), Y = rearrange(Y, I);

    FOR(i, len(X)) X[i] = xtoi(X[i]);

    vc<XY> last_y(N, -infty<XY> - 1);
    indptr.assign(N + 1, 0);
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] == y) break;
        last_y[ix] = y, indptr[ix + 1]++, ix = nxt(ix);
    FOR(i, N) indptr[i + 1] += indptr[i];
    dat.assign(indptr.back(), G::unit());
    fill(all(last_y), -infty<XY> - 1);
    vc<int> prog = indptr;
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] == y) break;
        last_y[ix] = y, keyY[prog[ix]++] = y, ix = nxt(ix);

  void add(XY x, XY y, E val) { multiply(x, y, val); }
  void multiply(XY x, XY y, E val) {
    int i = xtoi(x);
    assert(keyX[i] == x);
    while (i < N) { multiply_i(i, y, val), i = nxt(i); }

  E sum(XY lx, XY rx, XY ly, XY ry) { return prod(lx, rx, ly, ry); }
  E prod(XY lx, XY rx, XY ly, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit(), neg = G::unit();
    int L = xtoi(lx) - 1, R = xtoi(rx) - 1;
    while (L < R) { pos = G::op(pos, prod_i(R, ly, ry)), R = prev(R); }
    while (R < L) { neg = G::op(neg, prod_i(L, ly, ry)), L = prev(L); }
    return G::op(pos, G::inverse(neg));

  E prefix_sum(XY rx, XY ry) { return prefix_prod(rx, ry); }
  E prefix_prod(XY rx, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit();
    int R = xtoi(rx) - 1;
    while (R >= 0) { pos = G::op(pos, prefix_prod_i(R, ry)), R = prev(R); }
    return pos;

  void multiply_i(int i, XY y, E val) {
    int LID = indptr[i], n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
    auto it = keyY.begin() + LID;
    int j = lower_bound(it, it + n, y) - it;
    while (j < n) { dat[LID + j] = G::op(dat[LID + j], val), j = nxt(j); }

  E prod_i(int i, XY ly, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit(), neg = G::unit();
    int LID = indptr[i], n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
    auto it = keyY.begin() + LID;
    int L = lower_bound(it, it + n, ly) - it - 1;
    int R = lower_bound(it, it + n, ry) - it - 1;
    while (L < R) { pos = G::op(pos, dat[LID + R]), R = prev(R); }
    while (R < L) { neg = G::op(neg, dat[LID + L]), L = prev(L); }
    return G::op(pos, G::inverse(neg));

  E prefix_prod_i(int i, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit();
    int LID = indptr[i], n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
    auto it = keyY.begin() + LID;
    int R = lower_bound(it, it + n, ry) - it - 1;
    while (R >= 0) { pos = G::op(pos, dat[LID + R]), R = prev(R); }
    return pos;
#line 2 "alg/monoid/add.hpp"

template <typename E>
struct Monoid_Add {
  using X = E;
  using value_type = X;
  static constexpr X op(const X &x, const X &y) noexcept { return x + y; }
  static constexpr X inverse(const X &x) noexcept { return -x; }
  static constexpr X power(const X &x, ll n) noexcept { return X(n) * x; }
  static constexpr X unit() { return X(0); }
  static constexpr bool commute = true;
#line 2 "ds/fenwicktree/fenwicktree_2d.hpp"

template <typename Monoid, typename XY, bool SMALL_X = false>
struct FenwickTree_2D {
  using G = Monoid;
  using E = typename G::value_type;
  int N;
  vc<XY> keyX;
  XY min_X;
  vc<int> indptr;
  vc<XY> keyY;
  vc<E> dat;

  FenwickTree_2D(vc<XY>& X, vc<XY>& Y, vc<E> wt) { build(X, Y, wt); }
  FenwickTree_2D(vc<XY>& X, vc<XY>& Y) { build(X, Y); }

  inline int xtoi(XY x) {
    if constexpr (SMALL_X) {
      return clamp<int>(x - min_X, 0, N);
    } else {
      return LB(keyX, x);
  inline int nxt(int i) { return i + ((i + 1) & -(i + 1)); }
  inline int prev(int i) { return i - ((i + 1) & -(i + 1)); }

  void build(vc<XY> X, vc<XY> Y, vc<E> wt) {
    assert(len(X) == len(Y));
    if constexpr (!SMALL_X) {
      keyX = X;
      N = len(keyX);
    } else {
      min_X = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MIN(X));
      N = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MAX(X)) - min_X + 1;
      FOR(i, N) keyX[i] = min_X + i;

    auto I = argsort(Y);
    X = rearrange(X, I), Y = rearrange(Y, I), wt = rearrange(wt, I);

    FOR(i, len(X)) X[i] = xtoi(X[i]);

    vc<XY> last_y(N, -infty<XY> - 1);
    indptr.assign(N + 1, 0);
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] == y) break;
        last_y[ix] = y, indptr[ix + 1]++, ix = nxt(ix);
    FOR(i, N) indptr[i + 1] += indptr[i];
    dat.assign(indptr.back(), G::unit());
    fill(all(last_y), -infty<XY> - 1);
    vc<int> prog = indptr;
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      E w = wt[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] != y) {
          last_y[ix] = y, keyY[prog[ix]] = y, dat[prog[ix]] = w;
        } else {
          dat[prog[ix] - 1] = G::op(dat[prog[ix] - 1], w);
        ix = nxt(ix);
    FOR(i, N) {
      int n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
      FOR(j, n - 1) {
        int k = nxt(j);
        if (k < n)
          dat[indptr[i] + k] = G::op(dat[indptr[i] + k], dat[indptr[i] + j]);

  void build(vc<XY> X, vc<XY> Y) {
    assert(len(X) == len(Y));
    if constexpr (!SMALL_X) {
      keyX = X;
      N = len(keyX);
    } else {
      min_X = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MIN(X));
      N = (len(X) == 0 ? 0 : MAX(X)) - min_X + 1;
      FOR(i, N) keyX[i] = min_X + i;

    auto I = argsort(Y);
    X = rearrange(X, I), Y = rearrange(Y, I);

    FOR(i, len(X)) X[i] = xtoi(X[i]);

    vc<XY> last_y(N, -infty<XY> - 1);
    indptr.assign(N + 1, 0);
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] == y) break;
        last_y[ix] = y, indptr[ix + 1]++, ix = nxt(ix);
    FOR(i, N) indptr[i + 1] += indptr[i];
    dat.assign(indptr.back(), G::unit());
    fill(all(last_y), -infty<XY> - 1);
    vc<int> prog = indptr;
    FOR(i, len(X)) {
      int ix = X[i];
      XY y = Y[i];
      while (ix < N) {
        if (last_y[ix] == y) break;
        last_y[ix] = y, keyY[prog[ix]++] = y, ix = nxt(ix);

  void add(XY x, XY y, E val) { multiply(x, y, val); }
  void multiply(XY x, XY y, E val) {
    int i = xtoi(x);
    assert(keyX[i] == x);
    while (i < N) { multiply_i(i, y, val), i = nxt(i); }

  E sum(XY lx, XY rx, XY ly, XY ry) { return prod(lx, rx, ly, ry); }
  E prod(XY lx, XY rx, XY ly, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit(), neg = G::unit();
    int L = xtoi(lx) - 1, R = xtoi(rx) - 1;
    while (L < R) { pos = G::op(pos, prod_i(R, ly, ry)), R = prev(R); }
    while (R < L) { neg = G::op(neg, prod_i(L, ly, ry)), L = prev(L); }
    return G::op(pos, G::inverse(neg));

  E prefix_sum(XY rx, XY ry) { return prefix_prod(rx, ry); }
  E prefix_prod(XY rx, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit();
    int R = xtoi(rx) - 1;
    while (R >= 0) { pos = G::op(pos, prefix_prod_i(R, ry)), R = prev(R); }
    return pos;

  void multiply_i(int i, XY y, E val) {
    int LID = indptr[i], n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
    auto it = keyY.begin() + LID;
    int j = lower_bound(it, it + n, y) - it;
    while (j < n) { dat[LID + j] = G::op(dat[LID + j], val), j = nxt(j); }

  E prod_i(int i, XY ly, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit(), neg = G::unit();
    int LID = indptr[i], n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
    auto it = keyY.begin() + LID;
    int L = lower_bound(it, it + n, ly) - it - 1;
    int R = lower_bound(it, it + n, ry) - it - 1;
    while (L < R) { pos = G::op(pos, dat[LID + R]), R = prev(R); }
    while (R < L) { neg = G::op(neg, dat[LID + L]), L = prev(L); }
    return G::op(pos, G::inverse(neg));

  E prefix_prod_i(int i, XY ry) {
    E pos = G::unit();
    int LID = indptr[i], n = indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i];
    auto it = keyY.begin() + LID;
    int R = lower_bound(it, it + n, ry) - it - 1;
    while (R >= 0) { pos = G::op(pos, dat[LID + R]), R = prev(R); }
    return pos;
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