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#include "ds/doubling.hpp"
#include "alg/monoid/add.hpp" // 状態 a から 1 回操作すると、状態 b に遷移し、モノイドの元 x を加える。 // 行き先がない場合:-1 (add 不要) template <typename Monoid, int LOG> struct Doubling { using X = typename Monoid::value_type; int N; bool is_prepared; vvc<int> TO; vvc<X> DP; Doubling(int N) : N(N), is_prepared(0) { TO.assign(LOG, vc<int>(N, -1)); DP.assign(LOG, vc<X>(N, Monoid::unit())); } void add(int i, int to, X x) { assert(!is_prepared); assert(-1 <= to && to < N); TO[0][i] = to; DP[0][i] = x; } void build() { assert(!is_prepared); is_prepared = 1; FOR(k, LOG - 1) { FOR(v, N) { int w = TO[k][v]; if (w == -1) { TO[k + 1][v] = -1; DP[k + 1][v] = DP[k][v]; continue; } TO[k + 1][v] = TO[k][w]; DP[k + 1][v] = Monoid::op(DP[k][v], DP[k][w]); } } } // (to, val) pair<int, X> calc(int i, ll step) { assert(is_prepared); assert(0 <= step && step < (1LL << LOG)); X x = Monoid::unit(); while (step && i != -1) { int k = topbit(step); step ^= 1LL << k; x = Monoid::op(x, DP[k][i]); i = TO[k][i]; } return {i, x}; } // check(to, monoid_sum) template <typename F> ll max_step(F check, int i) { assert(is_prepared); X x = Monoid::unit(); ll step = 0; assert(check(i, x)); FOR_R(k, LOG) { int j = TO[k][i]; if (j == -1) continue; X y = Monoid::op(x, DP[k][i]); if (check(j, y)) { step |= 1LL << k; i = j; x = y; assert(i != -1); } } return step; } void debug() { print("TO"); FOR(k, LOG) print(TO[k]); print("DP"); FOR(k, LOG) print(DP[k]); } };
#line 2 "alg/monoid/add.hpp" template <typename E> struct Monoid_Add { using X = E; using value_type = X; static constexpr X op(const X &x, const X &y) noexcept { return x + y; } static constexpr X inverse(const X &x) noexcept { return -x; } static constexpr X power(const X &x, ll n) noexcept { return X(n) * x; } static constexpr X unit() { return X(0); } static constexpr bool commute = true; }; #line 2 "ds/doubling.hpp" // 状態 a から 1 回操作すると、状態 b に遷移し、モノイドの元 x を加える。 // 行き先がない場合:-1 (add 不要) template <typename Monoid, int LOG> struct Doubling { using X = typename Monoid::value_type; int N; bool is_prepared; vvc<int> TO; vvc<X> DP; Doubling(int N) : N(N), is_prepared(0) { TO.assign(LOG, vc<int>(N, -1)); DP.assign(LOG, vc<X>(N, Monoid::unit())); } void add(int i, int to, X x) { assert(!is_prepared); assert(-1 <= to && to < N); TO[0][i] = to; DP[0][i] = x; } void build() { assert(!is_prepared); is_prepared = 1; FOR(k, LOG - 1) { FOR(v, N) { int w = TO[k][v]; if (w == -1) { TO[k + 1][v] = -1; DP[k + 1][v] = DP[k][v]; continue; } TO[k + 1][v] = TO[k][w]; DP[k + 1][v] = Monoid::op(DP[k][v], DP[k][w]); } } } // (to, val) pair<int, X> calc(int i, ll step) { assert(is_prepared); assert(0 <= step && step < (1LL << LOG)); X x = Monoid::unit(); while (step && i != -1) { int k = topbit(step); step ^= 1LL << k; x = Monoid::op(x, DP[k][i]); i = TO[k][i]; } return {i, x}; } // check(to, monoid_sum) template <typename F> ll max_step(F check, int i) { assert(is_prepared); X x = Monoid::unit(); ll step = 0; assert(check(i, x)); FOR_R(k, LOG) { int j = TO[k][i]; if (j == -1) continue; X y = Monoid::op(x, DP[k][i]); if (check(j, y)) { step |= 1LL << k; i = j; x = y; assert(i != -1); } } return step; } void debug() { print("TO"); FOR(k, LOG) print(TO[k]); print("DP"); FOR(k, LOG) print(DP[k]); } };